Teaching & Training
We provide individual & group supervision online and at Tara Clinic
At Tara Clinic we have weekly seminars on the theory & practice of Psychotherapy
Trainees take part in an immersive experience of an analytic group conducted by an external faculty member.
At Tara Clinic, we are uniquely placed to support those interested in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
We offer psychoanalytically oriented:
Individual and group supervision for therapists
Organisational support
Therapy for other practising clinicians (psychotherapists, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists etc.)
- in person and through the video conferencing.

Our aim is to build a cohort of competent therapists and clinicians who are able to use psychoanalytic concepts in their regular practice .

We currently offer tailor made solutions at Tara Clinic to professionals wishing to gain experience and training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy comprising:
weekly academic seminars
experiential group
clinical seminars and
supervised clinical experience
Our recent publications
Vijayakrishnan, A. Am J Psychoanal (2018). https://rdcu.be/2vzC Book Review: The New Analyst’s Guide to the Galaxy: Questions about Contemporary Psychoanalysis, by Antonino Ferro and Luca Nicoli, Translated by Adriano Bompani, Karnac Books Ltd., London, 2017, 176pp.
Verma M. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Published online 23 Feb 2018 Book Review: Screen relations: the limits of computer-mediated psychoanalysis and psychotherapy by Gillian Isaacs Russell Karnac Books London 2015. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/zP8sfh4HfKZYnNSnvSNi/full
Verma M, Vijayakrishnan A. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in addictive disorders. Indian J Psychiatry 2018 [cited 2018 Feb 24];60, Suppl S2:485-9. Available from: http://www.indianjpsychiatry.org/text.asp?2018/60/8/485/224680
Vijayakrishnan, A. Am J Psychoanal (2017) 77: 195. Book review: Would-be Wife Killer: A Clinical Study of Primitive Mental Functions, Actualised Unconscious Fantasies, Satellite States and Developmental Steps, by Vamik Volkan, Karnac Books Ltd., London, 2015. http://rdcu.be/rJ3q
Our external faculty includes:
Dr Shankarnarayan Srinath MRCPsych Consu;tant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy Oxford, UK
Dr Kathy Harrington Principal lecturer, Consultant, Experiential learning tutor The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust British Psychotherapy Foundation London, UK
Dr Ashlesha Bagadia MRCPsych (UK) FRANZCP CCT-Family Psychotherapy (Australia), Fellow in Perinatal & Women’s Mental Health (UoT, Canada) People Tree Hospitals, Bengaluru
Dr Arabella Kurtz Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Senior Clinical Tutor & Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training Program, University of Leicester, UK -
Yuka Sendo TQAP Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Osaka, Japan
Stephen Dreyer Psychoanalyst, London, UK
Dr Susan Howard Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Guildford, UK